I have to admit that while I love entertaining, when my son would leave for camp each summer, I seemed to shut down the kitchen. Eating out, weekends away, even take out - those three options beat out cooking for 95% of the 7 weeks he wasn't home. There were exceptions though. One night I hosted a couple who had recently left the city for the 'burbs, so I invited them for dinner. To mix things up, I decided to opt for sangria over wine or my usual tequila cocktail.
For some reason, the few times I order sangria, I always choose red, but when I stopped into this cute wine store in Salisbury, Connecticut, I was inspired to go with white. The proprietor looked up a recipe for me, and I chose to modify it (as I you likely know by now is something I often do.)
My creation was not only beautiful but delicious, and perfect for a Mexican-themed dinner party!
You will need the following:
1 bottle Spanish white wine (ask your local store for a great selection)
1 bottle club soda
2 shots brandy
1 shot peach Schnapps
1 lemon, sliced
1 lime sliced
1/2 granny smith apple, thinly sliced
1/2 nectarine, thinly sliced
1/2 c raspberries
Mix all together and chill in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours before serving. Place a nectarine slice, some apple and a couple of raspberries into each glass, and then mix the sangria well again before pouring in the liquid. Keep the limes and lemons in the pitcher...the other fruits can be eaten at the bottom of each glass.
As a side, try making vegan black beans with sauteed, diced yellow onion, jalapeno and a small tomato, topped with a little melted vegan cheese...whip up some guacamole and and it's a perfect party meal!